Alright i love the crowd already. You're great. And the difference between you and the students is they're 18 to 22 year-olds. You can figure out what makes you different after that but i don't think we're a whole lot different. Ok so what I want to start all of us thinking about is brain health and I want to take this hour-ish time that I have and convince you that what you put in really does matter. And i know you want me to talk about some herbs that might help with your memory - right? Just tell me what to take and i'll take it and I'll feel better. I'm not going to do that but at the vary end I'll mention a few. But what I want you to try to wrap yourself around is: it does matter what you eat. If I asked any of you what makes the difference for heart health, I know you could name some things - right? Because you're all really thinking about that. We have much of our lives.
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We try to get our kids to do that so brain food really is real and it does matter. I think it's important that we just also consider what goes on as far as how our brain ages during gestation, childhood, adolescence. Just to be able to wrap ourselves around, just embrace that we can't stay the same. We're going to age - it's inevitable. And through the years, that we may be you know, as our brain grows and it's close to adult weight by a young age of six and we do prune out things in the teen years (yes their wiring is off if you were wondering and i'm sure you know all about that). And just as we go along that your peak years (and I just chatted with two ladies Sarah and Peach - right? Did I get it right? Okay, yeah. I told her to go into nutrition - don't you think with the name peach? I'm thinking it's gonna take it) That your great years of thinking - of maximum brain capacity age 22 27. (It's done. Okay, all right, let's all leave and go get some fries - not quite) So what starts to happen as we go through our adulthood and go into old age, our brain changes dramatically and the question is how fast is it going to change for all of us. Can we do something with our diet to make it change. And when we look at - and I thought I'd show it this way: number 1: I'm gonna raise my hand - I never could hula hoop when I was a kid and I think oh I have this to look forward to. What? How many of you are hula hoopers? Did you get that down? Ok, ok you're very proud of it. I just ok that's it for the hips I ok so this is showing you just as far as I different fractions of the IQ test that we are abilities do decline so that's that's real and I don't want to be depressing about all the things that go on and discuss in a lot of detail about dementia and Alzheimer's not much at all but we know that what I want to make a point of is the rates are increasing dramatically and I know you must know that one were an aging population but we're looking at the numbers globally currently over 35 million tripling by the year 2050 and what I think is very important is this change that's happened recently since 1980 to 2010 by one measure of Statistics translated through CDC Centers for Disease Control there's been a 55 fold increase in age-adjusted death rate from Alzheimer's 55 fold what's going on what the heck is going on and a lot of people want to think it's due to a toxin in the water contaminants and food and that's an easy that's an easy answer we could fix that really the bigger picture has to do with our lifestyle and how starting today how we decide to be for the rest of the years no matter what age we are so what I'd like to do is get us to think about isn't really a food brain aging connection course I wouldn't be here if there wasn't so we know there is can we do something and what we need to think about to help slow that decline that's inevitable don't believe that it's not going to happen though I saw this maybe some of you saw it truly fascinating show on super geniuses albert einstein and I've forgotten past that point who else was part of the show but they talked about albert einstein's brain and how different it was and you could probably comment much better about it but you know given those unusual cases it is inevitable that our brain will shrink in size neurons will die and that will have some changes so we'll talk about on if we can slow aging and I'm what I'm more interested in is when we leave this room and you start to choose foods starting with this knowledge what are you going to are you going to keep your brain in mind what do you what do you keep in mind now when you make food choices you can answer convenience cost time are we talking heart health or anything like this here no okay am I talking to the wrong crowd okay well convince you by the end so we're going to look a little bit at a meal plan alright so let's think and this is through research done with populations over years brain research is catching up to what we know about heart health and other organs in the body but if we look at we know that keeping your brain active learning things continuously we know exercise we can debate on how many minutes most days of the week that you're doing that but that's important for blood flow and brain health getting quality sleep at night it's very important and this is again gathered through reams of data general health and we have the plate of food just thrown in there and people talk about eating healthy and maintaining healthy blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels but we know specifically that hypertension that there may be some connection with dementia and cognitive decline so it's important to look at that so and lastly stress can't be good it'd be great for the stress free life not in this day and age and for everybody we have different reasons about things that that stress us so that's collectively maybe in some of the other presentations you went over some of that ok so there's what may impact brain aging let's just take a look at something you probably know a lot about personally that you're striving for as we get older what the leading cause of death in the US heart attacks heart cardiovascular disease ok so if I asked all of you what are some factors that impact heart health what would you tell me hypertension lack of exercise obesity ok smoking diet ok so there's there's a theme here we know that exercising most days of the week week again can debate on time I may help prevent heart disease as well as sleeping quality sleep diet maintaining healthy blood pressure blood cholesterol we know specifically that healthy glucose blood levels preventing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance type 1 diabetes is another story represents roughly five to ten percent of the people in the US that have diabetes we're talking about the later onset not so Layton our population these days but but that aspect and then stress so there's there's some overlap right ok so what's interesting about this is i want you to think and we aren't going to go over this is is eating for a healthy brain really would it surprise you if it's that much different than eating for a healthy heart no okay so we're done no we're going to go through we're going to go through the stuff but there are some differences but I want you to think it's not that mysterious and I know people want to fix and want to supplement and want to make it something magical but it's it is the good thing is it's simple its you're in control you can do some things to help yourself so what I wanted to do before i talk about the diet i want to learn about type 2 diabetes to you and insulin resistance that's what we're going to do it's sort of a weird term right insulin resistance what are we really talking about we're going to go through some basic sign i think it will be helpful .
Top Secret How to Start a blog 2020 Step by Step with Ultimate Guidance
Hey guys, This product is wonderful and 89% of people is happy and use now.
HSV Eraser - The best on the market.
We try to get our kids to do that so brain food really is real and it does matter. I think it's important that we just also consider what goes on as far as how our brain ages during gestation, childhood, adolescence. Just to be able to wrap ourselves around, just embrace that we can't stay the same. We're going to age - it's inevitable. And through the years, that we may be you know, as our brain grows and it's close to adult weight by a young age of six and we do prune out things in the teen years (yes their wiring is off if you were wondering and i'm sure you know all about that). And just as we go along that your peak years (and I just chatted with two ladies Sarah and Peach - right? Did I get it right? Okay, yeah. I told her to go into nutrition - don't you think with the name peach? I'm thinking it's gonna take it) That your great years of thinking - of maximum brain capacity age 22 27. (It's done. Okay, all right, let's all leave and go get some fries - not quite) So what starts to happen as we go through our adulthood and go into old age, our brain changes dramatically and the question is how fast is it going to change for all of us. Can we do something with our diet to make it change. And when we look at - and I thought I'd show it this way: number 1: I'm gonna raise my hand - I never could hula hoop when I was a kid and I think oh I have this to look forward to. What? How many of you are hula hoopers? Did you get that down? Ok, ok you're very proud of it. I just ok that's it for the hips I ok so this is showing you just as far as I different fractions of the IQ test that we are abilities do decline so that's that's real and I don't want to be depressing about all the things that go on and discuss in a lot of detail about dementia and Alzheimer's not much at all but we know that what I want to make a point of is the rates are increasing dramatically and I know you must know that one were an aging population but we're looking at the numbers globally currently over 35 million tripling by the year 2050 and what I think is very important is this change that's happened recently since 1980 to 2010 by one measure of Statistics translated through CDC Centers for Disease Control there's been a 55 fold increase in age-adjusted death rate from Alzheimer's 55 fold what's going on what the heck is going on and a lot of people want to think it's due to a toxin in the water contaminants and food and that's an easy that's an easy answer we could fix that really the bigger picture has to do with our lifestyle and how starting today how we decide to be for the rest of the years no matter what age we are so what I'd like to do is get us to think about isn't really a food brain aging connection course I wouldn't be here if there wasn't so we know there is can we do something and what we need to think about to help slow that decline that's inevitable don't believe that it's not going to happen though I saw this maybe some of you saw it truly fascinating show on super geniuses albert einstein and I've forgotten past that point who else was part of the show but they talked about albert einstein's brain and how different it was and you could probably comment much better about it but you know given those unusual cases it is inevitable that our brain will shrink in size neurons will die and that will have some changes so we'll talk about on if we can slow aging and I'm what I'm more interested in is when we leave this room and you start to choose foods starting with this knowledge what are you going to are you going to keep your brain in mind what do you what do you keep in mind now when you make food choices you can answer convenience cost time are we talking heart health or anything like this here no okay am I talking to the wrong crowd okay well convince you by the end so we're going to look a little bit at a meal plan alright so let's think and this is through research done with populations over years brain research is catching up to what we know about heart health and other organs in the body but if we look at we know that keeping your brain active learning things continuously we know exercise we can debate on how many minutes most days of the week that you're doing that but that's important for blood flow and brain health getting quality sleep at night it's very important and this is again gathered through reams of data general health and we have the plate of food just thrown in there and people talk about eating healthy and maintaining healthy blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels but we know specifically that hypertension that there may be some connection with dementia and cognitive decline so it's important to look at that so and lastly stress can't be good it'd be great for the stress free life not in this day and age and for everybody we have different reasons about things that that stress us so that's collectively maybe in some of the other presentations you went over some of that ok so there's what may impact brain aging let's just take a look at something you probably know a lot about personally that you're striving for as we get older what the leading cause of death in the US heart attacks heart cardiovascular disease ok so if I asked all of you what are some factors that impact heart health what would you tell me hypertension lack of exercise obesity ok smoking diet ok so there's there's a theme here we know that exercising most days of the week week again can debate on time I may help prevent heart disease as well as sleeping quality sleep diet maintaining healthy blood pressure blood cholesterol we know specifically that healthy glucose blood levels preventing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance type 1 diabetes is another story represents roughly five to ten percent of the people in the US that have diabetes we're talking about the later onset not so Layton our population these days but but that aspect and then stress so there's there's some overlap right ok so what's interesting about this is i want you to think and we aren't going to go over this is is eating for a healthy brain really would it surprise you if it's that much different than eating for a healthy heart no okay so we're done no we're going to go through we're going to go through the stuff but there are some differences but I want you to think it's not that mysterious and I know people want to fix and want to supplement and want to make it something magical but it's it is the good thing is it's simple its you're in control you can do some things to help yourself so what I wanted to do before i talk about the diet i want to learn about type 2 diabetes to you and insulin resistance that's what we're going to do it's sort of a weird term right insulin resistance what are we really talking about we're going to go through some basic sign i think it will be helpful .
Top Secret How to Start a blog 2020 Step by Step with Ultimate Guidance
Top Secret How to Start a blog 2020 Step by Step with Ultimate Guidance
Does that makes sense?
Ok alright so now what happens to someone who the insulin is pounding on the door and the receptor doesn't hear it it doesn't work very well it's not sensitive to insulin it's not hearing the knock variety of reasons we'll talk about diet genetics other lifestyle factors so with the receptor not responding the pancreas who's responsible organ to release insulin gets the signal hey we still have a lot of glucose a lot of these kids out in the hallway there they're going to be trouble if we don't get them in the cell and so insulin's desperately working at it the cells actually on the inside think they're starving they're not getting the energy they're supposed to they're telling the brain hey eat more in the meantime you have all these kids running around in your hallways which is not good right any of you former teachers or current teachers or parents or you just know this is not going to be good right they're roaming around so eventually with the pancreas straining and there are lots of steps i'm skipping but eventually the glucose gets in but we have blood sugar level that's up we have a lot of kids running in the hallway so there is our normal blood sugar curve here's our someone who is insulin resistant and it developed to technically being type two diabetic and they have a higher fasting blood sugar level more kids are running in the hallways and then when they eat it goes up and it doesn't come back down to where it should so you think
Top Secret How to Start a blog 2020 Step by Step with Ultimate Guidance
oh so what so I have a lot of kids running around in my hallway really let's think about it what happens if you had a bunch of children pleasant little well-behaved children in the hallways your blood vessels what do you think would happen but with that they're in large vessels and small what would kids do an unsupervised they get unruly so that excess glucose is problematic they're going to have a good time they're gonna rip the wallpaper spray-paint they're going to damage your blood vessels the excess glucose is very serious that's why people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes want to be in good blood sugar control because this excess glucose leads to cardiovascular disease we know it causes inflammation a word we hear about just things think of things irritated just not being in the state that they calm state that they should be in glucose as well as many other factors relate to that just threw in one thing people start to lose blood vessel function may lose vision they lose circulation and limbs and we know what bad things can happen but we also know things go on and blood vessels up in your brain so that's important type 2 diabetes insulin resistant precursor type 2 diabetes is very common it's happening in teenagers and 20-year olds thirty-year-olds 40-50 it's not inevitable you can do something about it and there's lots thats related so i just want to show you a Venn diagram here is type 2 diabetes a lot of the symptoms don't worry too much about the names but i just want to point out that oftentimes people are obese they have excess body fat as we mentioned high blood sugar levels that if we measured there's a way that you can get different fluid levels or blood levels or markers of inflammation showing there's a lot of irritation in your blood vessels inflammatory markers we could also look for signs of oxidative stress i know that sounds fancy we're going to talk about antioxidants and get a better understanding of those so just hold the thought like what the heck is that think of little fires that somebody's setting in the carpet or in your books are just ruining things we we don't want that to happen we know that with the impaired insulin signaling there's just issues low levels of an antioxidant vitamin C well let's see what we see in alzheimer's disease we have some characteristic proteins that change and build up and neuron loss on those other ends but when we put the two together we see a lot of similarity and if we want to approach doing something about cognitive decline and development of dimensionality dimers we need to do something about type 2 diabetes because if a person in their forties is showing marginally elevated levels of blood sugar fasted roof in ten years maybe higher and twenty you know we go on and we'll see that person may be in their seventies would develop dementia and potentially you know that's the the experts that would define whether it was early or not but insulin resistance that influence not being heard as its knocking so many factors I'm just spewing out son of course genes play a role but it depends what diet ue yes excess carbon consumption but there are many other factors good things that you might be missing in your diet having chronic illness in inflammation is that funny word just again think of things being irritated in your body that we can do things with our diet to con that different types of fats different vegetables items in your diet i know we want to look to supplements .
I want to urge your first let's talk about diet exercise we don't give exercise enough attention when it comes to this metabolic disorder right exercise actually your body needs less insulin if you exercise routinely if you go on walks most days of the week that last 30 to 45 minutes your body's basically the cells will uptake the glucose little kids get in the classroom with less insulin onboard sensitivity is improved you can actually its early stages of insulin resistance type 2 diabetes do something about it ok
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so those are just some of the things let's now start talking about the right I gotta get there okay and we're here what comes to mind when you somebody talks about a healthy heart healthy diet there's a plant-based diet so eating a lot of vegetables great anything this plan Mediterranean diet that's gotten a lot of press I think that's great that you mentioned that Mediterranean diet bingo I is one that we know over we have decades of research showing that people through observational studies who generally eat more plant-based they include.
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Hey guys, This product is wonderful and 89% of people is happy and use now.
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