Healthy Diet Essay

Healthy Diet Essay

Sounds of which there are scads of them serve as antioxidants think of where the tomato is growing we just finished tomato season here in Yolo area yeah they're just delicious that tomato is baking out in the Sun do you think it has some environmental issues it's facing absolutely and so it has protectors in its skin and in its flesh we eat that tomato we get some of those same compounds in us that's what it's all about that's why you want that variety nuts look at the collar you probably don't think not so boring they're not boring they have lots and especially when you get the skin on I'm not suggesting you eat a hazelnut shell that would be rather dangerous.

But the variety is wonderful so there isn't one best nut don't think that you have to pursue walnuts or whatever the news is saying today okay sorry about that the nutrition world always likes to jump on things but they contain essential fats which we'll talk about some in a moment and phytonutrients that's another word that we can put as an umbrella term for the antioxidants they may have anti-cancer action they may help blood vessels in your brain and etc so lots of wonderful things there and this is the fruit that's recommended.
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Berries what do you see color-wise blue red purple deep rich anthocyanidins these I just put a berry in your mouth and don't talk about what's in them other than they're great for you and we know that we call blueberry a superfruit right or a superfood all fruits and vegetables are great there's not one that ranks higher than another it's just enjoying them and remember fresh as good as frozen you're striving for a cup ok so most days you want to be getting it. 

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If this is the minimum twice a week so if you enjoy them put them on your oatmeal put them in your smoothie have as a snack yes dried blueberries have some of these compounds but some are lost in the drying process question yes pomegranates and grapes do they go more in the category with wine in that there's a different set of flavonols that have that benefit.

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But they still count and it's pomegranate time right you can put those seeds in your salad so this is just a wealth of different antioxidants beans what are we doing with beans people this needs to be consumed every other day not seasonally you can eat them cold you can eat in room temperature you can eat.

Them in the soup you can put them in a burrito just not a lotta cheese sorry lentils very good at super good we have some pictures of them up there so you make lentil soup good deal that's great um antioxidants in the colorful beans and we're looking a cup serving so we have fiber now I'm not able timewise and probably gonna go over.

Heart Healthy|Diet|Food|Cooking|Tips

I there's a lot to be said that we're still learning lots to learn about how foods that we eat impact are bacterial profile the microbiome and what compounds those bacteria make how they affect other cells in the body and ultimately might affect brain health don't have enough information to say that yet but you can't go wrong with getting real food in your diet that's a good source of different types of fiber.

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