Whole grains now I this is a bad picture and I want to ask you why is it a bad picture of whole grains we have some white bread we have pasta that's plain but there are some good items there so I want you to always look for and see if you can go to the store and buy something on that's in the whole grain form like brown rice.

Or black rice which those two they're both great for you they have different color compounds their multigrain packages you can get what your goal is the less process the better and then you say oh gosh but it takes an hour to cook up faro or some other whole grain cook it up once for the week and then use it have steel-cut oats in the morning all different types of whole grains and so we're looking again at fiber vitamin E antioxidants.

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I could be giving a discussion on heart disease and we really bring up these same items ok seafood this was a twice-a-week based on research the mind diet ultimately said at least once a week or serving being three to four ounces there is some seafood that is higher in what we're looking for and that is omega-3 fats which I'm going to spend a little bit of time talking about I'm just going to guess you've heard about omega-3 fats probably more so in relation to a heart health question, not my best friend I think he makes people panic is this my thing.

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I'd what I take into the question has to do with on contaminants and seafood is I stay away from not what I recommend people to stay away from certain fish swordfish the bigger the fish the more medium fish ate the medium fish eat little fish and so there is a concentration of heavy metals in that giant fish so yellowfin tuna swordfish shark hopefully you're not eating shark ok so eating wild-caught salmon there are some ethical issues some people don't want to consume something that isn't sustainable.

                                            Better Food Choices - Humane Facts

But generally smaller fish are great and not to worry ok people go not serve bigger things okay vitamin b12 don't want us to forget about that their reasons why this is not a vegan diet have anybody noticed that we do include animal products in this so let's look at what Omega threes on their very liquidy at room temperature where do fish live in cold water ultimately very cold water so they need to have liquid fats so that their body is supple in the water if their bodies were made of saturated fat solid they would be stiff as a board in the water and that just wouldn't work even if their bodies were made of monounsaturated fats olive oil you ever put olive oil in the refrigerator and what does it do it harden so they can have monounsaturated fat heart-healthy, yeah but they need really liquidy fat so and so.
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If you look at whale blubber seal blubber same thing it is a major component in the cell membrane and other portions of brain cells, in fact, specific will you could look specifically at higher levels of certain Omega threes in various portions of the brain we know that they make cellular mediators that help improve brain function and that they can help calm some of the inflammation that's going down going on especially as neurons age and cell death occurs fact there was just a study out today looking at omega-3 fed to an animal model for Alzheimer's and looking at the cleanup of waste products.

That occur in an aging mouse model to mimic Alzheimer's disease and the benefits of this fat in the diet now early humans used to get a lot of Omega threes in their diet we have such change our food supply consuming less fish less wild animals some of the free-range items that you pick that are raised humanely may have slightly more organic meats and milk may have slightly more of a different form of Omega.

Threes but still have them something to think about they are a lot more expensive but we know that seafood works I thought I'd show roasted turkey because we're close to the time on poultry this is twice a week lean protein source it's a source of vitamin b12 so b12 again so that was in seafood that was in on poultry so those are our main protein sources using all of these and olive oil that's your fat to cook in why because it's got heart-healthy.

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