instagram marketing strategy : Easy and Ultimate Guidance

do you want to know what the top Instagram influencers are doing to grow their follow-up base? I’ll be sharing all these strategies. 

Welcome to the digital marketing mastery course. And today we are covering one of my favorite topics, Instagram marketing. In this comprehensive step by step training, 
I’ll be covering everything about Instagram right from the start until the end. Be it creating your profile like a pro, finding the right hashtags, and creating a content strategy that will drive.

I’ll also go through all the growth hacks and strategies that I personally use, and also I use them for my clients that will drive an insane amount of followers for your account

 And also be sharing all the secrets about how to make money for Instagram. Even with an account with the following of100,000 – 300,000 followers, they are making multiple lakhs per month just through influencer marketing

So I’ll be sharing my strategies and also some case studies of various accounts that are doing it and how you can replicate the same process for yourself. 

That you won’t be learning just form the theory, so make sure you implement all the steps on your Instagram account and see the results for yourself. We have a huge Facebook group, where you can ask questions and also see other people, how they are performing on their Instagram account. So let’s get started in this video. So what is Instagram, I don’t think I even need to explain this, Instagram is the new trend in 2019 or rather even in 2018, I even did a poll in a popular Facebook group and my question was related to how many people were actually opening Facebook more compared to Instagram. And around 70% of people polled for Instagram. That they are using Instagram much more often compared to Facebook. 

So this just shows the amount of opportunity that lies in Instagram in 2019 and even in the coming years. So for people who don’t know what Instagram, Instagram is a photo-sharing mobile app, it used to be a photo-sharing app but you can even add the videos nowadays. It was launched in 2010 and then it was acquired by Facebook. 

So you can see the growth trajectory of Instagram by yourself. How much it has grown from 2015 to 2019. And it is expected to rise at an exponential rate in 2020 as well. Now I’ll be sharing some stats with you just to show you how popular Instagram is. So almost 800 million-plus Instagram accounts active every month. That’s a huge number. And the best part is out of those 800, 500million plus Instagram accounts are active every day. 

So 500 million-plus uses Instagram on a dailybasis. And if you’re looking for business opportunities for marketing your business on Instagram, you can see the stats here that 80% of the accounts follow a business on Instagram. So it’s not just for the personal use that people follow the businesses, rather it’s a great branding strategy to acquire customers' Instagram as well. And nowadays the new feature of Instagram stories is killing it. It has already killed Snapchat, it is about so many people are using more and more Instagram stories on a daily basis. 

So let’s check Instagram on Similarweb.comand see how it performs. Instead of opening the mobile app, I'll be opening the website of Instagram here. And let’s see the similar stats of Instagram. That’s a huge number. 3.2 billion people are using Instagram on a monthly basis. And look at the time on site. Almost 6 minutes and 28 seconds. So the audience retention is also very good with Instagram. So let’s see detailed stats of Instagram. Look at the global rank of 5. It’s the 5th most popular website on the internet. So the stats speak for themselves, Instagram is a hugely popular network and it’s something that you should not let go in 2019 and in the coming years. 

So let’s focus on why you should even try Instagram marketing. So you’re objective can be anything, if you're an individual you might be focused on getting more followers, or creating a following, or becoming an influencer. But if you are a business and you are looking for more customers, so Instagram is an amazing branding opportunity, and as well as you can easily acquire customers from Instagram as well. The best part about Instagram is the high-engagement with visual content. 

One of the primary reasons why people are moving away from Facebook and more towards Instagram is because of the visual content. You don’t have to read the text, rather you can just look at the images and the videos. You’ll even see this trend on Facebook, you’ll see that Facebook is pushing more towards the video content. Even if you’re on the video ads, you'll see that it cost is much less than a banner ad. All of this is because Facebook is giving a big push to the video content on Facebook. You’ll see the image on the right here that Instagram's engagement with brands is 10x higher than Facebook

And because people love visual content, they tend to stay more on Instagram. Even for me and my clients, I am pushing hard on Instagram ads. I’ve seen great arrow end on my ads spent, the targeting options are great, you can easily segment your audience. In all, it’s a market of a friendly platform. 

If you are not using Instagram in 2019, either to gain a following or driving customers for your business, then you are losing out on a big chunk of revenue. You’ll see so many Instagram influencers promoting various products, not just influencers even the popular actors and actresses, associating themselves with a brand and getting paid a huge amount just for promoting the brand. 

So let’s start with the first step of setting up your profile. Either you’re opening a new account or you're just optimizing your current account, follow all the steps that I’ll be telling you in the next few minutes and your account will be perfectly optimized for Instagram. So let’s start first with the username. Choosing the first Instagram username. So let’s see some case studies so you understand this point. Whenever you are choosing a username, you have to think of your niche first.

 So let’s say you want to create an account about dogs, so if your username has the main keyword like “dog”. Then it will be much more beneficial for you. Just like in our SEO video you must have seen that keywords play an important part in Google search engine rankings. Similarly, if you want more followers, if you want to be found by a new audience, then you have to optimize your profile for keywords, yes hashtags also play an important part, but keywords are also equally important. 

You have to first define a list of keywords that are related to your niche. In all, just a few strategies will be changed but primarily the whole concept of optimizing your profile is somehow similar to search engine optimization. So let’s take the example here of- I’vetaken two examples of “fashion” and “guitar center”. So here you’ll see that this profile is all about fashion images, fashion videos and look at the beautiful username they have: “men fashion”. Directly defining their audience, “men fashion”. This channel is all about fashion for men. 

So for them the two most important keywords “fashion” and “men”. And by incorporating these two main keywords their username, people can easily find them and hence they have a huge following of 581k followers. I agree that the keyword is not the only reason that they were able to grow so much, but yes it played a major role. Similarly here another example of “guitar center”. 

This Instagram account is all about guitars. So why not have a username related to the guitar? And also look at how clean the username is. There’s no underscore, there’s no numeric number. Clean “guitar center”. Clean forward username. 

I know in 2019 it will be extremely difficult to find clean usernames, but yes you can still try to find a good one. So if you have the keyword in a username it will benefit your profile. So now let’s talk about optimizing the Instagram bio. You have to understand that Instagram only gives one particular place where you can promote a link. And that is your bio. 

And that through just one single link. Not in your post, not in your currents. You cannot promote any links in Instagram apart from your bio. So that becomes the most prime real state for any marketer. Because you want to drive customers, prospective customers, from Instagram to your landing page or any other place where you want them where you can monetize. 

So there’s a particular style or a template that you should use to create your Instagram bio that has been giving the best results. So I have again a few examples here, so let's start with “men fashion” again. 

You can see that the bio channel first indicate what this channel is all about. A guide to men’s fashion, luxury, lifestyle so with just a few keywords they were able to define their Instagram page. So, anyone who comes into this page, they'll instantly know, “okay, this channel is about men’s fashion, luxury and lifestyle”. 

They’ve also included an email address here this is for collaboration or business inquiries, so let’s say you have a good following and a company wants to contact you. So they can easily find your email address and contact you for collaboration. So always have a point of contact here, as well on Instagram bio. And the most important part, your link. Here they have a link to a particular website. Let’s open the website

And see how cleverly they have also mentioned the word “sale” here, in the URL. Because this will increase the CDR and more people will be clicking on the link just through the word “sale”. And you can see for yourself how they are monetizing their audience. 

They have a huge following, of 581k followers, their channel is good, their engagement on the pictures is good, you can see that 3 – 5,000people are engaging with the post. And now they are driving people to this particular website. And they are selling t-shirts. Because unlike YouTube you cannot show ads on Instagram. You won’t be able to monetize through Adsense or any other way. 

So the only way to make money is either by selling your own products or by affiliate marketing by selling someone else’s product or promoting a particular product by brand collaboration. So here they have decided to go for selling their products either of a brand or they are maybe making affiliate commission here. Let’s take the case of. 

This is one of the very good companies thatI’ve been following for multiple months now. You can see for yourself how clear their bio is. Organic superfood blends. And the best part of their bio is they are using emojis in a very innovative way. Emojis have always increased audience retention.

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