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HEALTHY EGG BREAKFAST Unlock Your Hip Flexors Revamped For 2020
HEALTHY EGG BREAKFAST Unlock Your Hip Flexors Revamped For 2020
5:56 AM
This for one day here's our breakfast high protein breakfast Indian.
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his for one day here's our breakfast and I didn't put amount because it depends on your activity level you can have some other foods with this berries and steel cut oats I'm throwing in the Kieffer low-fat Kieffer low in saturated fat has live bacteria that's going to add some protein 11 grams per cup that's my bias coming in not one of the food items but it's not anything in saturated fat ok can people eat that for breakfast did I hear a no okay okay all right how about lunch bean soup with with veggies if it's summertime you don't want soup we could put beans on ourselves so spinach salad which lots of people eat olive oil on top pick a nut it could be hazelnuts but we got through walnuts on it can be anything iced green tea we know the green tea has a variety of different catechins are another group of antioxidants I'm just throwing in a little flair so it's not that boring grilled salmon there's our fish serving steamed asparagus wild rice with always have a little bit more nuts because they do have a lot of great compounds and I did put an amount for wine because I wanted you to put a cap on it it's five ounces okay with your meal would be preferred for absorption of those compounds so I hope that seems doable and as .
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I'm looking at the time up there i'm going to go through supplements i want you to think about this is not like i have to follow a plant this is a lifestyle we're gonna make adjustments get there when we can one step at a time don't beat yourself up what would be a sidestep you would start with if you're not even close to eating this way add more vegetables and what kind of vegetables green leafy vegetables go down that produce aisle uh-huh yeah absolutely yeah add these items and then of course flared up depends yeah you could do that so obviously you can use your creativity so if you say I eat like this and I'm 75 years old and I can't find my keys all i can say is well gosh
I'm glad you eat that way i don't mean that badly is we don't know what would have happened if you didn't eat this way so it's all I want to put forward is that you know it's never any age start with this any age didn't make your changes we want to improve our heart health vascular health and so on let's just finish up with some supplements should you supplement with omega-3 that's something certainly to talk to her a health provider with but there are two major omega-3 DHA and EPA EPA they actually have a slightly different impact on brain cells are learning more about has more aggressive role in perhaps slowing the decline of loss of cognitive abilities EPA having more of a role with mood disorders I and the question is for a lot of people are you going to eat routinely seafood and as sources or omega-3 enriched eggs are some of the few other ways that you can get it this was just out this month a year-long study randomized with placebo control they either got 2,000 milligrams of DHA.
Two grams that's a lot that isn't something that's in most pills and it's just that some just that omega-3 usually its a mix thrown in with some other fats or they were given two grams 2,000 milligrams of an omega-6 fats corn oil predominantly omega-6 they measure different i don't know why that disappeared but they measure different cognitive using an IQ test different parameters there and they looked at the volume of the hippocampus and they found in a year's time this is a very compelling story got a lot of press that the DHA supplementation significantly improved cognitive function now before you all go rush out and get some it's very expensive i want you to discuss with your healthcare provider they're blood thinning facts of omega-3 fats and there's more to the story we've talked about a big array of foods of a lifestyle please don't look at one pill as being the make-or-break for you i know you want to do things that will improve your help i know that we all do or for a loved one so we know that is important but this is just part of the picture vitamin D .
You'll notice some of these foods were part of the plan cheese out dairy products not given a lot of prominence in the mind plan but we know that as a person ages vitamin D status is an issue for a variety of reasons its more common as we get older because we lose our ability to manufacture it from exposure to sunlight or liver kidney functions which are two organs involved in the conversion of simple cholesterol to active form of vitamin d3 we're just not as good on and what are we doing mostly as we age probably spending more time indoors probably protecting our skin with some blocking and clothes so we generally see this decline we know that with smaller calorie intake are basal metabolic rate how many calories we need to exist declines every literally every day but it's two to three percent per decade so if you look at what you ate at 20 we all know we can't eat that way anymore so it's going to decline about 3% by the time you're 30 do the math 30 to 40 45 50 50 so we have to get by on fewer calories or else game on a lot of extra weight that we don't want so it's hard to cram everything in this low calorie intake vitamin D deficiency is a big risk we know it is connected with cognitive decline it's common and elderly people with dementia what i would do is review that with your healthcare professional to see if it's appropriate people argue on what is the low-level latest is below 50 nanomoles per liter as being insufficient there are a lot of physicians who look at being below 20 is insufficient so please review that with someone who maybe is more up-to-date alright vitamin b12 and folate folate was in the what the quiz yeah you need when you're pregnant but you need all the time the green leafy vegetables and b12 was in fish poultry so what this is a diet that supplies b12 and folate if you're eating a vegan diet you have to go to a supplemental source for B 12 it's not found in plant products so that's why this mind diet is animal-based what's the story behind b12 and folate for brain health there's quite a bit we know that's important in a number of different ways including a compound that forms as a result of protein metabolism called homocysteine it's not uncommon that people have a poor intake as we get older their problems with b12 status and its associated lack of intake as well as declining levels due to aging is associated with cognitive decline the supplement studies don't pan out that well some of them show a positive effect some of them show negative your takeaway from this is not that were mixed up all the time but that instead there's maybe some synergy with what's in food and other foods that we don't understand yet that when you eat unprocessed green leafy vegetables and the wonderful seafood and you have some whole-grain that there are things going on so that's why i believe in food question supplements that's my approach believe in food question supplement alright last thing memory supplements i know i couldn't get out the door with bringing these upright you want to hear about him I don't really have a lot of positive things to say about them others head other than you really should review this with your healthcare provider there are many side effects chinese club moss interferes with an Alzheimer's drug that's that's taken the latest i read about it i'm not an expert on these I don't want to be it's too crazy you start messing with things like this my feeling.
Is you're taking it out of the the food the we know simply vitamin E you start taking a lot of this you actually run into oxidative damage they've stopped clinical trials it's not helpful not helpful for heart health where we getting the vitamin E some fish but the nuts and the whole grains stick to food now is there anything wrong with the multivitamin not that fills in the gaps because you have a lower calorie intake maybe but please don't rely on this as a fix ginkgo biloba side effect anybody know pretty serious blood thinning and you might be on the medications that are for that you don't mention it to somebody run into some problems very serious problems so hopefully you got yourself around this mine diet and feel like I can do this I can do some of the stuff I can grow with this never too old to start you I'd say grab a young person and get them going on it and let them know about influence resistance and type 2 diabetes where our population is heading in a not-very-good direction we don't curve that so i will take questions but ok the question is do nightshade family vegetables like eggplant and tomatoes cause inflammation if you ate a bushel of them I would be concerned if you sliced tomatoes and put them in your salad you enjoy some eggplant is part of a vegetable sauté absolutely not ok I'll repeat it I'll repeat it ok are any nuts okay to eat and should you leave the skin on the shells should come off we establish that leave the skin on and any nuts are ok walnuts are higher in a type of omega-3 that's different and fish oil it's not converted to the same as readily to the same but it is still a beneficial healthy fat essential fat to have in the diet ok ok i know this can of worms but can you comment on GMOs and organic vs not okay the question is about GMOs versus organic and non-organic GMO huge can of worms coming from a research institute where we do GMO research .
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